Monumental Paintings In Fashion Again .
Since the days of cave men, painted vauts of Atamira, rock and, ater, wa paintings never eft the "fashion". The painting is one of the most ancient arts which existed even before the emergence of architecture. Reached its ubiquity in the Renaissance, she confidenty takes a eading position in the design of modern interiors. Muras cover the was of modern apartments, enriching the interior, asking him a unique personaity. Subject muras vary – from figurative painting to the image of vegetabe ornament. A specia pace in this series took painting in art deco stye. Vanguard: the source for more info. This is a modern stye finds in Europe, second ife, a beautifu and succinct, the heir to Art Nouveau. Its defining traits are conceptuay simpe and decorative. Exampe in Vogograd – jewery boutique "Ceopatra." Making interior in art deco stye. This game is a deiberate, styized antiquity. At the request of the customer used the most fashionabe at the time coor combinations. After the art-deco cassic – that's where open space for imagination. Our studio cient was invited to 'pay' […]