Agrafina Fillipovna

Refreshing glass of untied language trainee, he had not clung and did not try to jump out the window at every opportunity. – Captain, tell me about that you said, this cardboard card? Major mixed response led eyebrow: – In my head already composed a brilliant picture of the crime itself. Neighbor slipped into the apartment, with mean age starushenka 69, her eyes like beads, in light of the chandeliers twinkled protivnenko. "All clear" – thought Ensign, "will now show, with an opening action of the three acts." Loudly sniffed and wail, old woman, whose name was Agrafina Fillipovna: – Ivashka – she rushed to a neighbor, then realizing that there can not see what is happening, turned around and stopped in the middle of the room. – Well, what a punishment-ee-e, – drawn Fedotovna Agrippina, which felt a decent experience mourners from a funeral.

– That's because as I could, again, just like that, yet – she droned on – for free, so unhook tachilovo-oh-oh, but not simple-ee, and 297 horses under kapotikom, with rear-wheel drive hybrid-o th, but at 18 x disochkah. In trainee jaw lying under the boots and raised an eyebrow. Ensign Megrielyan sprang into the pre-collapse to his knees, his forehead in lenolium, the old woman and grabbed her frail body under lokotochki. – Agrippina Fillipovna, quieter. I have a version of the more interesting. Migrielyan predatory smiled: – Well, let's investigate.

Mr Korapuzov – drinker of beer, is telling his labor in the form of corn impressive belly. Last night, returning from work at a kiosk not far from the shelter, they was bought 4 bottles of beer Velkoverhovny ass. On the landing he was confronted with Agrafina Fedotovna, which recalled him to debt of 170 rubles. Exactly the same, the Korapuzova did not have any money, because they were spent on beer. To a neighbor took out pleas not to repay the debt, karapuz invited Angelina Fillipovnu visit to a friendly drinking alcohol purchased on that she certainly agreed.