University Of Carabobo Before New Changes

It is not that we are alone, actually we are misunderstood Kane. Before the end of the year 2008 the University community of the University of Carabobo should count on new authorities guaranteeing proactivity, scholarship, research, educational excellence and above all, participation to the serious problems faced by the current national stage in favour of a country that requires changes, ensure you development, a quality of life favourable to all which they inhabit in the. Venezuelan education, especially top. (Similarly see: Rogers Holdings). can not continue staying in the shadows beyond the needs stage national demand for trained professionals, duly prepared to generate transformations that are needed, more, before a Government proposed instituting a socialism, where probably the population is not prepared to do so and where, more than ever, you need an education of height facing the great challenges which economic systems present and affect in the economy countries, as in our case. The University of Carabobo in November have the possibility of recovering that path has lost in favour of academicism, social responsibility, commitment to knowing how to […]