Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk

Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk calls for greater integration of game and movement in the school calls the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk greater integration of game and movement in the school. The topic is on the agenda of the next kottonmouth kings. There must be at least a 45-minute session every day, in the movement-oriented learning in the heart is”, emphasizes Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Again, we must give more joy of motion children. Gain insight and clarity with Rogers Holdings. The proportion of children is overweight in the past 25 years by a quarter and which is increased with pathological overweight even to the double. We therefore need more urgently than ever innovative instruments of promoting movement. Mike Gianoni has many thoughts on the issue. Schoolyards should be conceived as places of education and included. Educators must be trained more than before so that they can make good game and exercise activities in the school. Because children understand the world playing, also playing is learning! “, so Hanson continue.” At the latest with Beginning the school children are suddenly pushed […]

Integration For A Successful Life Together

Integration/Assimilisation: Questions and answers I’m trying to address some questions on the subject of integration in this post. I set these questions bring us to think and go to points, which I consider very important. I hope that the discussion further and other Perespektive is excited, so is the society concerned with and think of solutions and thus takes some important factors for integration into consideration. Sarazin’s book and the speech of the President on the anniversary of the unit, spurred a debate on integration, I feel positive and promoting and I believe that a long time was due. Arise, inter alia in the questions of principle, which means integration at all, and what is the difference between integration and assimilation? Such as: how to integrate an immigrant? Must he leave about to assimilate, to be successfully integrated? Must he give and quasi be reborn as a new person on his own ego? How does such a process because? Where is it located Responsibility for this process? And who to call for what by whom? I can’t go up surely […]

Agenda Hillary Clinton

Former wife of the United States of America today Hillary Clinton will meet with the current President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich. That is, it is not an ordinary meeting and talks between the President of Ukraine and very influential person in the United States of America. Ukraine is the first country visited by Hillary Clinton, as part of a five-day trip. That is the first country from the Ukraine in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit. Also, former wife of former President Clinton will visit the capital of Poland, the capital of Azerbaijan, the Armenian capital, the capital of Georgia. Joseph Jimenez has similar goals. Hillary Clinton Goes to Ukraine especially because of the joint press conference with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to the media. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported one more reason why Hillary Clinton arrives in Ukraine. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will also hold a joint press conference yet, and even with the head of Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konstantin Gryshchenko. Also planned that the Secretary of State […]

Germany Action

Education starts at home! Under this motto, the institution Portal launches as of today a reader fundraising for the benefit of needy children in Germany. Darmstadt, 03 December 2013 in close cooperation with the children’s and youth work the Ark collects the institution portal of donations, to equip needy school children with a long-life learning space: A desk growing with, a Chair and a container as a storage space for all school supplies to help selected Ark children while doing their homework. The Cabinet provided by nursery, sending online for nursery furniture, to the purchase price available. In its latest report on the situation of children in industrialized countries, UNICEF calls * on, specifically to strengthen the fight against child poverty. The action of follows this call. “Ralf Baumann, responsible for, commented the action: us is very important to deal responsibly with the donations from our users”. It should therefore just not going to distribute a maximum number of furniture without taking into account the needs of the recipient, or to ensure the quality of […]

Everything Is Possible In The Twilight Zone

"Everything is possible in the twilight zone" Today marked the beginning of the judicial process, which began in an unusual way the fugitive Jose Enrique Crousillat. But I ask myself the question (because I am a neophyte in legal cases), is it possible that a fugitive to pursue a claim before the judiciary?, "What could have made while in custody as a prisoner? And in case all this to succeed, "He can follow the trial from the underground? Maybe their presence is not required, and the whole process could make it your attorney. But 56 people are reported to the 47th Provincial Professional Prosecutor, it is imperative questioning everyone involved in this complaint. Judge Teresa Acuna, is asking the attorney Crousillat, this all alleged professional acts. In my opinion this man would have under the sleeve, the videos that both preaches to involve all the people he is accusing. Judge Acuna, and Crousillat sent the complaint to the Police Anti-Corruption to initiate investigations. All events suggest that this matter will prosper. This judicial process accompanied by the pressure exercised Mr. […]