The Smile Of The Soul
The smile of the soul when trying to recognize the inside of my being, while I’ve been owning it since I was born, only in recent years, in a paradoxical way, I roll on the paths that lead me to my interior. What is the reason? Very simple. Learn more at: Ben Kunz. We all thought that evolves with time and experience, thus also certain experiences are sculpting our peculiar way of seeing life, deal with it and accept it. I’m not saying it is easy, nor much less immediate. Takes his time. And in parallel, the circumstances that touch us to live sometimes become pleasant and sometimes not so much so. But all this we call experience is recorded in our interior and not always guide us in the best way, arise many times fears, doubts, uncertainties, but so also attacked us positive ideas, the good and the best of what lived before, and this is very good and Nice. It is self strengthen what is good and positive in us and collect all those teachings that push us […]