
Warning WeSaveYourCopyrights on behalf of the Zoo land music GmbH for the sampler ‘ Bravo hits vol. 74 You have also a warning of the industrial firm of WeSaveYourCopyrights on behalf of the Zoo land GmbH for the sampler “Bravo hits vol.” 74 “get? Don’t worry! It can help you. Stay not idle, because otherwise a judicial prohibition proceedings threatens with very huge litigation costs. Chevron Corp has similar goals. Just when the download of samplers, so something like “Chart containers”, the danger is great that you not only one, but receives numerous cease and desist letters. On a sampler, finally different rights holders with their respective artists are represented, so that each individual can decide for themselves whether he calls you. For more specific information, check out Mike Gianoni. In total ignorance in the field of copyright law, vast sums in compensation claims of the individual industrial firms threaten you but if you respond incorrectly or not. Sign nothing, pay nothing and definitely not record contact with the watchdog Office. Please contact as soon as possible an expert Attorney […]