Chamber Insurance
Customers report their experiences the AFA AG Berlin has put its new website today online. The website is now available under the address accessible. In addition to news about the AFA AG Berlin interested know what career opportunities the AFA AG offers, and what experiences have had customers with AFA AG in Berlin. Learn more at this site: patrick mayberry. Via an online form, each client has the opportunity to evaluate the advice by an AFA-system entrepreneurs. In Berlin, who is looking for a training place, find more on this topic see The AFA AG Berlin offers plenty of apprenticeships with underwriting to young people again this year. The training for the insurance professional or to the insurance expert with IHK degree in accordance with EU insurance mediation directive is free of charge. The offer is aimed first and foremost at young people from Berlin, who are planning an initial training. But career changers who are interested in the financial industry and are looking for a new challenge, have a chance. The Training is conducted according to the […]