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Google – the analysis of activity. Part 2 In continuation of his first article "Google – the analysis of activity", he decided to write another article on innovation and development of the company. Because in recent months there have been many, small but significant and noticeable changes. One such significant event is the creation of Google's new programming language – Go. It has been written to the server's website Jonah Blooms opinions are not widely known. It is intended that language in the first place – for system programming. However, it should be noted that Go is still in testing mode is available nowhere else. Its use and the active dissemination will depend on the policies of Google. So far, I remind you, Go – an experimental programming language. The following changes were made online – translation, Google Translate. Now, translation is not limited to the web – pages or texts. It is now possible to transfer already entire documents. Moreover, the translation can be done without pressing the button, simply enter a word or address. Added Google Translate […]

Search Engine Promotion

In this article we will write out and order some effective techniques that are used for site promotion in search engine Yandex. Search engine promotion – a set of works to improve the relevance of the site regarding key requests prostanovka external links to your site, to improve the site positions in search results. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mike Gianoni and gain more knowledge.. Comprehensive search engine promotion site consists of two factors. External and internal. Under internal factor, we mean optimizing the site, or its separate parts. Under external – increase link mass to untwist sites. We want to draw your attention to a rather important point that many people neglect – selection of the most effective targeted searches, which under proper and should be optimized, and then unwind the site. As for optimization: The site structure should be built a certain way. Key requests should be allocated to the group, and paginated. Mike Gianoni will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Pages of the site should be well relink. Would like to mention a selection […]