Time Management

Everyone speaks of the time. No matter where it is or what makes, time is common to all. I firmly believe that it is not an issue to ignore. But he was unable to speak of management time, without understanding a fundamental truth about the time. It is universal: implies that no matter where you are, no matter the color, culture, religion and location time affects us all. It is a constant: 24 hours ago a full day, neither more nor less. Does not stop: will continuously, regardless of whether it is active or not, living or the dead. You cannot adjust: everytime you pass an hour determined in a day, let alone 10, it cannot be brought back. You can not buy: all available articles, time is one that does not have a place of market exchange. The value of time varies between people. Its value depends on your understanding of it. The time does not mean the same thing for us. For most people, time has more value than money, a resource for achieving the objectives, a tool […]