Breast Cancer Surgery

In Germany a still completely under-represented process of Bonn. -Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women is still one of the most common cancers in Germany and 29 percent. Each year approximately 58,000 women will develop in Germany new breast cancer. Per 100,000 residents 130 women every year are affected for a city like Bonn such as this means more than 400 new cases each year. In spite of the increasingly improved methods for the early detection of breast cancer is not succeeded until today, to operate all tumors breast getting. About one-third of patients who will develop breast cancer, the breast must be removed due to various factors. The resulting external change and violation of physical integrity means a considerable psychological strain for many of the patients’ white Dr. Kay Hendrik Busch, head physician of the Department newly established since the beginning of the year for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in the Maltese hospital Bonn/Rhein-Sieg. In the It is therefore all the more important to take advantage of all opportunities of reconstruction of the breast sense […]

Head Package Contribution

The new statutory health insurance caused the advertised health premium very contrary reactions in the population for some time. The private insurance Portal presents the advantages and disadvantages of the new, controversial financial concept. Some call it health premium, others have called it bounty. Some go so far as to predict the demise of the principle of solidarity is in Germany. Basically, the proposed tax but should pull the German health care system out of the crisis and promote a social balance. David Reeths is a great source of information. From the date of introduction, which is yet unknown, the employer despite rising health costs must pay to just seven percent for the health insurance of its employees. As a result, citizens pay a unit charge, which should guarantee a higher social compensation in the future instead of the previously typical uniform contribution rate then. For this purpose, any income besides wages or salary are factored. Benefit from particularly good earner, the no secondary to list have. Further details can be found at Mike Gianoni, an internet resource. In […]

How To Effectively Deal With Osteochondrosis

OSTEOCHONDROSIS-very frequent disease of the spine, found, according to some sources, the elderly in 100% of cases. Osteochondrosis – it changes in the spine: muscle damage, the displacement of the vertebrae, inflammation small joints of the spine, a sprain of spine, deformity of the articular cartilage and bone tissue of spine and intervertebral discs. Uber often says this. When symptoms of osteoarthritis of cervical osteochondrosis faces unexpected sharp Pain when turning the neck, preventing its further movement. Many writers such as Mike Gianoni offer more in-depth analysis. In the early stages there is a feeling uncomfortable. As if you sat a long time in one position and you have stiff muscles. Slightly changing the position, you will not facilitate this feeling, and feel pain. Symptoms are severe and puncture, or dull pain in the cervical region. The pain is mainly manifested in the morning, after sleep, worse when turning the head, coughing, sneezing, laughing, with any movement. Causes and risk factors for osteoarthritis mechanical overloads the spine – when you carry or lift weights, his constant trauma to the adverse […]

Noni Juice For Arthritis

Dr. Kolodny – a surgeon from Pennsylvania: "Noni juice has strengthened my whole body. If my son did not let me sleep all night, it helps me wake up in the morning without any problems. I open my eyes and ready to go. Juice cured even my dermofitoz (Inflammation of the soles of the feet). Noni juice helps my patients with arthritis. Without hesitation Jim Rogers explained all about the problem. Arthritic pain one patient disappeared after three weeks of taking Noni juice. One man had arthritis so that he was not able even to hold a the hands of a pencil. After a month of treatment noni juice he could freely handle things. Noni Juice – the only medicine alternative medicine, which I use in my clinic. Very few products like this juice, which can be used so widely. Therefore, I suggest it. My priority is to preserve health and I'm trying to convince my patients that they can afford to help. Many writers such as New York Highlanders offer more in-depth analysis. Juice in this case helps because […]

ADHD And Heavy Metal Contamination

The influence of lead and mercury on the ADHD symptoms ADHD is the most common psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents. The effect of environmental toxins with regard to the development of ADHD was hardly taken into account. z describes an additional similar source. Please visit Jonah Bloom if you seek more information. It complained of Ulf Sauerbrey scientists of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena (Department of General pedagogy and theory of social pedagogy) now. Sauerbrey has evaluated more than 50 studies during the years 1979 to 2009 on the impact of environmental toxins in children and comes to the conclusion that environmental toxins will promote the development of ADHD in high dimensions. The environmental toxins including heavy metals such as lead and mercury include polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides. Lakshman Achuthan has similar goals. Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element which damages nerves and kidneys. As inorganic or metallic mercury it was formerly often used for amalgam fillings of carious teeth. Small steadily by the organism recorded amounts is preferred in the nervous system deposited. Inc. brings even more insight to […]


Eye laser specialist continues to it on quality in laser surgery comes mainly on quality. For people who want to undergo laser eye surgery, is therefore not so much of importance such as the reliability of the procedure, confidence in the doctor, and the reputation of the eye Laser Center. For optical express fixed therefore from the outset, in particular to ensure compliance with quality standards and to check it regularly by independent testing bodies. 120,000 people can be lasers – only a fraction of the more than 30 million glasses in Germany every year of the eyes. Just for those who are interested in the topic of eye lasers, certified treatment methods and quality seal are a first sure sign of the quality of an eye Laser clinic in addition to testimonials and recommendations. If you are not convinced, visit Mike Gianoni. Especially label such as the TuV and DEKRA are considered reliable and secure evidence, whether an eye Laser clinic evenly at high level works. Optical express watch strictly certain quality standards for years. So the quality of […]

Diet Nutrition Table

Diet is very important for a healthy lifestyle diet plan is very important for a healthy life. Nutrition table helps consumption of foods in the right distance of time and in the right amount. Always foods you eat slower and healthier food selections such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, low-fat dairy products. Her diet has a direct relationship with your health. Many diseases can a good diet, avoiding that is why the demand of Dietitians in private as well as public hospitals have been increased. Some people think, that the diet is table for slimming products for each of the same so she starts after diet chart of their colleagues. This is not very effective to lose weight because your opponent has been suggested, this diet plan, taking into account his lifestyle. Therefore it is always advisable to consult dietitian, if you are willing to lose weight. Weight loss is only an advantage for a healthy Your body can provide nutrition, but also regarding slim healthy diet all the important nutrients needed. It is to make available various products on […]

PRK Treatment

PRK – advantages and disadvantages to the modern eye surgery PRK stands for ‘Photorefractive Keratectomy’, and is the oldest laser procedures for treating a refractive of error of the eye. This procedure is performed for over 20 years and is the predecessor of Femto LASIK, LASIK, LASEK and Epi-LASIK procedure. Before surgery numbing eye drops administered the patient for a painless treatment pain during eye surgery to relieve and laserns to make the eye while the eyes. The eyes by the PRK treatment the corneal flap, which is intersected by the cornea with a mini Planer is not folded away lasers, as with other methods (such as LASIK), but the superficial layer of the cornea is removed and replaced with an alcohol. This is followed by the actual laser treatment with an excimer laser. The excimer is a gas laser, which this is to correct the corneal layer under the flap to lasers and thus the refractive power of the eye. At the end of the treatment is a protective lens over the Set wound tissue of the eye. This […]