Cosmetic Treatment

The acne is the most common of the chronic illnesses of folculo pilossebceo of the skin human being, caused for multiple factors and that it leads to the appearance of some characteristic injuries. Four basic points can be pointed as responsible with respect to the development of the acne: sebcea hipersecreo; hiperqueratinizao to folicular; bacterial and the consequent inflammation to folicular and dermic settling underlying. It has a variety of types of acne, but most common it is the vulgar acne. If you would like to know more about Lakshman Achuthan, then click here. bott-laboratories-dupont-glanbia-arche/’>iHerb. Of the clinical point of view the acne is classified in not-inflammatory and inflammatory, in accordance with the type of predominant injury. The clinical injuries of the not inflammatory acne if subdivide in microcomedes, open and closed comedes; already the injuries of the inflammatory acne are ppulas, pstulas, and the injuries most serious are the cysts and nodules. A related site: Jonah Bloom mentions similar findings. To classify the acne is important, therefore it determines the choice of the ideal personalized aesthetic protocol that acts […]

In Brazil

Assintomtica phase: no symptom, but the test is positive for antigens of the HIV.Complexo related with AIDS (ARC): linfadenopatia, verbal diarria, candidase, loss of weight, fatigue, cutaneous eruption, recurrent infections, febre.AIDS: rare infections with pneumonia for pneumocystis carinii or rare cancers as sarcoma of kaposi or linfomas of B.Possveis cells complications: neurological comprometimento. According to Parslow et all: Including the linfcitos T, moncitos? macrophages, dendrticas cells foliculares and cells of langerhans; gradual global defects of the main characteristics imunolgicas of the virus of the imunodeficincia human being are: infection of the cells CD4 of the imunolgico system, humoral and cellular immunity; depletion of apparent linfcitos T CD4 (assistant? inductors); policlonal activation of linfcitos B with increase in the production of imunoglobulinas; evolution of the illness, the spite of the intense humorais and cellular answers against the virus. AIDS and women: As I land on water, 2005: In special, the question of the behavior of risk in women calls the attention, that is, the number of women infectadas for the virus comes growing in Brasil.Em 1986, entered a infectada woman to […]