Tereza Maria Souza

In the April months, May and June the cases of incidence of the illness tend to increase, this if to give due to bigger rain presence and the high temperatures that are between 25 and 30C. This addition of factors is propitiates proliferation of the vector. The climatic variability is important factor for bigger incidence of the affection. In such a way, it was observed that the meteorological elements associates the factors as disordered growth of the cities and lack of quality information the population had contributed for the increase of the vector, however each individual possesss different conditions of life and levels of different socioambiental vulnerability. Ahead of the results gotten in the research, it is suggested then that it has an urban planning, aiming at one better quality of life for the population. A good infrastructure in the streets of the city, a good system of health and more efficiency in the information politics the society. These factors are basic so that the population is less vulnerable the consequences of the climatic variation. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AYOADE, J.O. Introduction […]