Global Internet

Any known conventional wisdom – without offering no demand for this offer. And it is in truth so, because this axiom is functioning since time immemorial. However, any method to make this proposal became known broad strata of people? It is not possible your potential client just needs it in your services. The answer to this question mankind has found long before the birth of the Internet, it is elementary – it is advertising. On literate people has great influence contextual '> ads, because the meaning of readable text motivate, and service or product offered casually. In any case, want to ensure the veracity read, and the most usual method considered – tyknut the link from the text. Clicking on it, a person becomes interested in information found on the site, regardless of whether this information meets one are interesting that you have moved or not. Birth global web has given us a tremendous platform for building advertising. Any time you enter the Internet, we are confronted with a large number of proposals to any goods and services. Internet advertising […]

Introspection Trader

Catching up with traders and investors, I have concluded that the most significant results in improving the efficiency of trade, any trader can make, if it is to work on yourself. Indeed, an understanding of the yourself and how you approach the market, can give you such an advantage, which have no other market participants. More info: Restaurant Michael Schwartz. As an integral part of my training, I suggest a long list of questions that every trader could itself to estimate. I consider these 10 questions, which I give to traders, are the basis of this self-assessment process so to speak, the minimum starting point for this type of work on oneself. In this article, we'll also begin this process will begin with two questions. I suggest to spend at least an hour on each question, and even better day. These questions are designed to get you to really dig deep enough in themselves and give an answer on the basis of their core beliefs about markets. If you have read about Mike Gianoni already – you may have come […]

Time Interval

The choice of time interval on the charts That I told you so far – a general idea of how I trade. I use daily charts to identify shapes and dependence, usually caused by short-term movements market (2 to 4 days). This – my style, your style may be different. According to Chevron Corp , who has experience with these questions. or would like to discuss. he source for more interesting facts. People like the idea of intraday trading, because it has no risk associated with the fact that something "happen overnight". They are afraid that between now closing and opening tomorrow may happen some adverse event. They are afraid of news, changes and uncontrollable behavior of prices. (As opposed to Mike Gianoni). They like the end of the day it ends, it does not matter as: victory, defeat or a draw. No agonizing loss, do not give you peace of mind and breaking your sleep. There is no mistake: all this – the truth, but if you get something in life, then something and give. What you give up, […]

Publication Founder

When applying the founder, who is an individual who has the status of sole proprietor, you must provide a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur; 10. The document, drawn up in any written form, which lists complete physical address (the name of the state, zip code, name of the settlement) of the founder. Co-founders, in this case indicate a single address. This document is required for any correspondence sent evidence. 11. A copy of the document, which confirms the legal right to the trademark if such is available; 12. For the media erotic nature – you must provide the original model proposed Publication 13. In that case, if the application is a foreign legal entity – must provide copies certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the apostille, the document is the founder and documents representative of the legal entity in Russia; In re the media, the following documents: 14. Original certificate of registration of mass media, with the former, 15. In case of change of the founder required documents […]