Trick Or Treat – Halloween Recipe For Parrots And Parakeets

Nutrition tip for Parrot and parakeet Parrot bakery it is high season for the major field crops: in countless forms and colours, pumpkins with cheeky grinning faces adorn window sills and steps. Also, they enrich our winter menu by their gustatory diversity. As one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world not only for the people it is tasty: especially domestic birds as for example, the crows are thrilled by the sweet fruit admitted not always to the delight of the farmers. The pumpkin treat offers a welcome and very healthy change but also our exotic domestic birds. Because the largest Berry of the world has about 25 calories in 100 grams of the purest supplement. At the same time, the pumpkin is very rich in essential vitamins and fiber. For pumpkin-loving Parrot and parakeet holder, the owner of parrots reveals bakery, Marita Grabowski, their special Halloween-fruit bars-recipe. Every year in the autumn “she bakes the vitamin-rich dessert for their six African grey parrots and two Rosellasittiche: the Halloween fruit bars for parrots and parakeets is one of the […]