Power Generated

The conscious mind is governed by the senses, while the subconscious mind works on the basis of a schedule and does not distinguish what is good or bad for us from a conscious point of view, is for that reason that our biggest challenge in this life is to dominate our mind, this is not a simple task, demands much discipline and above all knowing how our mind works. The connection between conscious and subconscious is permanent, what today we sow is what you reap tomorrow, so it is necessary to be very careful with every action, Word, observation, etc. (Source: Rogers Holdings). Emotions play an important role in the mental programming, each time we express something our mind turns to his file of images associated with that phrase, for example if we express the temperature was that day to 42 degrees Celsius, immediately our internal search memories where we have experienced the same situation or a similar one, then always we rely on what is known. We must be very careful about the negative experiences because everytime we mention situations such as: there is no money, here everything is corruption, cannot, etc. Then our mind recreates images where that statement becomes true, how dangerous this situation is that our subconscious the message we send is that we want to experience those same situations, now understand because the negativism always leads to the same results, turning in circles and create suffering.

Then what is the key for success? The key is to change negative associations and rehearse only positive memories, you must also skip dialogues that remember you painful situations, in the book by modifying our belief system to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar will find great techniques to change its own internal perception of reality, you will learn the ways of associating ideas of success in your subconscious mind and thus will manage to overcome the limiting beliefs that are affecting your life to negative situations. Access to the power key is starting to send positive messages to our subconscious mind, as if a container that is with dirty water, if you enter water constantly, necessarily reach a point in which the content will only be clean water, the secret is to enter positive information, many people do not understand because they return again and again to the same situations, the problem is that they continue entering negative informationso it is impossible to obtain different results. In the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar you will make your change process sustained, most importantly take solid steps on what you want to and this is a task that corresponds to the conscious mind, here you will learn the importance in the use of the senses with respect to what you want toYou can reach your goals in powerful form if it is able to integrate all aspects of your life in an efficient manner. The programming of our subconscious mind is very subtle, so that the majority we adopt negative beliefs sometime in our life without it even we percibieramos it, however the most important thing is that today we decide to do, remember that our future life will be the consequence of activities that are now developing.. Checking article sources yields Carrier as a relevant resource throughout.