In this heat to stand at the stove – penalty! Flee from the stuffy city to the forest, the mountains or go fishing …! True fishing – a sport, recreation, unity with nature, relaxation of dusty stuffy city. And, of course, the joy of fellowship around the fire for plate is rich, flavorful soup of fish, inherited from luck or hard of water with the corresponding talk fishermen called common people in the stories. The fishermen making their wisdom soup: omit smut, add vodka, choosing certain kinds of fish. Click CEO John Watson to learn more. In one they are in agreement: the fish in your ear should be very much! By the way, it is believed that this ear is prepared without vegetables and grains, if there is no desire to get soup instead of a fish soup. When nalovleno a lot of different fish, the first question is: what kind of use for soup? In general, the various fish platter, the tastier will be ear (although there is fish cookery recipes soup and only one some fish such as perch only). Ingredients: For the 5-liter pot: 1, 5 kg of fish 2 onions 0, 5, Art. Vodka pepper, bay leaf to taste the fish cleaned of scale, remove the entrails, wash. Boil water in a pot, add peeled from the husk onion and salt.
The fish is lower in the pot, bring to a boil, then raise the pot higher, so there was a strong boil. Add bay leaf, pepper. After 10 minutes remove the pot from the fireplace, pour vodka, to give a little ear brew. Serve hot. Sometimes the fish broth to boil in a gauze bag, fastened in a pot on a stick. In this way, boil and repeat portions of fish. However, digestion of gauze in the ear before us etsya inappropriate. This can be done scooping fish or transfusion of broth. Bon appetite