
To send orders is not a complicated process, but it is important to have some points in mind before sending, independently of the good quality of its partner of air transportation. Here they are five important errors of sending that you always must prevent: To look for offers cockroach: To construct a relation with a partner of air transportation reliable can make the difference, since it can guide to it on the trustworthy forms most economic and of sending. This goes to become its more easy life of what simply to look for the sendings cheapest. To pack the product very pressed: Many people try to save money or materials of protection using a box that simply is not great the sufficient one to accomodate the item to be sent. However, to keep the security of the objects that you send, are important to leave enough space for small balls of isopor, plastic of bubble or another type of acolchoamento. Therefore, I will choose a great box the sufficient to accomodate the item that you are sending and that also it holds a good amount of acolchoamento material.

Thus, you will be able to trust that its order goes to arrive entire. Improper Etiquetagem: asegrese to place joins clear label y legible en part of lands woollen caja y there itself is using joins caja ya used, removes to cualquier residuary of wools labels viejas. Itself it is sending bad of joins caja as part of su sending, places joins label en each caja so that in if pierdan en case of being separate during el appealed. To leave to make insurance: itself it is sending algn I articulate fragile of gran the value, tenga en cuenta el hecho of that vain appealing to cientos miles of kilmetros auction su destination. Considering tambin for cuntas manos vain to pasar during el proceso of sending, why in invertir unos wells bad weights for asegurarse against su lost? Not to know the programming of sending: to conocer there closes of sending of su vain packet boat y el tiempo that if to take to llegar su destination le puede to prevent to pay sobrecostos for urgent sendings. The sending of orders does not have to disturb nor to delay its business. Having in mind these five tips of sending, you can guarantee that it is using its time in the best way.