The right to the free expression of ideas was curtailed to the point, where many dared to exercise it ended up convicted by the tribunals of the Inquisition. Recently view website sought to clarify these questions. Incredible but true, 21st century obscurantism is manifested in many national universities and what is most worrying is that it feels that there is no interest in deleting it, it seems that we like to be anchored in the past and not the challenges of the present is known as Wikipedia, reminds us that obscurantism is the systematic opposition to progressthe questioning of dogmas and the dissemination of knowledge beyond certain limits. Obscurantism is the opposite of free thought and is often associated by their opponents with religious fundamentalism. Henry Cornell shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Obscurantism, as it has been documented in studies on the middle ages, is based precisely on the imposition of limits, which affect the extension and dissemination of knowledge. One of the main objectives of this control in the Middle Ages was to prevent the questioning of dogmas. Although it is very complex to investigate on the origins of dogmatic thinking, this is the possession of a doctrine or a set of beliefs based on authority, that do not support analysis or evidence that invalidate them, manifested in the frequent threats on the precursors of scientific thought. Specifically, obscurantism is the systematic opposition to progress, the questioning of dogmas and the dissemination of knowledge beyond certain… The darkness of the human mind became palpable, impossible to question religious dogmas, revealed truths that not supported criticism, nor the possibility of test.Increasingly, it is worrying the obscurantism which manifests itself in the national universities, where the same University community of many of them are guilty of what is happening, not knowing how to select the ideal candidates to generate transformations, changes that currently the Venezuelan higher education requires. Increasingly perceives some universities few proactoivas, with a lack of well-defined social responsibility which allow fulfilling their mission and ensure the country participation that will help you to develop programs, plans needed to advance.