Water Supply in Homes

Until now the primary means for measuring the water supply were the usual mechanical water meters. Nowadays, the competition they can make ultrasonic flow of fluid, which has the most optimal combination of accuracy, high metrological quality, reliability and price. In addition, through the use of ultrasound, the producers an opportunity to develop flow with low power consumption, which can significantly extend the scope of such devices. Consider the strengths of ultrasonic flowmeters in more detail. Everybody knows the secret of the fact that for us as end users have a single value for this parameter, the accuracy of the measurements, since it depends on him the sum of money paid on account of housing services.

Conventional mechanical water meter has a rather large measurement errors which can often reach 3 percent. More expensive models are made of high quality components, have a slightly higher accuracy (error of about 1,5-2%). Because of the principle of action and design features, ultrasonic water meter on the head traverses its nearest competitors, since the measurement error in its use does not exceed one percent. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out scholarship program. Of great importance is the fact that Modern ultrasonic flowmeters of liquids can operate on battery power. This feature is particularly important in the operation of water meters at the production facility, where the possibility of an autonomous power required for the implementation of mobile, field work, during which it is necessary to carry out monitoring on several sites of control. Another important quality of water measuring equipment is reliable.

In this regard, a simple mechanical meter – not the best choice. In most cases, failure of mechanical flow meters associated with the sediments, which appear at the measuring station sensors. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Daryl Hagler. The more pollution water, the faster will be formed deposits, and the faster the water meter may be damaged. Grains of dirt, the activities of micro-organisms and sediments are able to exert influence on ultrasonic flowmeters, but still need to Note that it is much less than in the case of mechanical and electromagnetic meters, and why modern instruments work, usually without interruption, ensuring unmatched reliability and accuracy measurements, even after a long period since the beginning of operation. Inter alia, ultrasonic water meter is much better protected against electromagnetic interference. Under the latter refers to radio frequency interference nanosecond pulses, which have devastating impact on the cables, and electrostatic discharges. If an ultrasonic water meter was installed in accordance with applicable rules and regulations, then the interference it not threatened. This is especially true for counter-known companies that meet the requirements of gost R 51649-2000 (regulates the resistance of equipment to electromagnetic influences) are in the design additional protection from the negative influence of the environment. Add all the above advantages in ease of working with the device, and you end up with the perfect in all respects flowmeter-counter which possesses unsurpassed quality indicators while standing not much more than all the existing analogues.