What most caught my attention when I did my journalistic landing in Valencia was the leafy appliance information and propaganda of the Generalitat. Such waste of media and his thorough and persistent attention to any political event was something unusual in Barcelona or Madrid of that era, including the various ministries press offices. To remember something like my memory has to go back to visit I made to the U.S. Lakshman Achuthan gathered all the information. Department of State. Its owner, George Shultz to today his successor in Office, Hillary Clinton, received very first thing in the morning a detailed dossier of everything that was happening in the world. Course responsible for the foreign policy of Washington daily is subjected to the merciless scrutiny of journalists and must be prepared to deal with any issue that may arise.
Just the opposite of what happens here, where Francisco Camps not typically lavish their appearances and less with bar free of questions. Therefore, the first thing I wondered to hear him that plans to reduce the number of departments 10 and thus save 25% of spending on consultants was: do adelgazara also nourished official scribes payroll? I’m afraid that not. According to estimates, are fixed or contracted people working under the dependence of the elation secretariat of communication, Nuria Romeral, and no less efficient Director general Cristina Albamonte 110. That template should add one smaller number, but nothing insignificant, communicators located in different departments, public companies and other official entities. All of them, in a subtle and imprecise border between the institutional and partisan of the PP, means, not only contribute to the Valencian media news and denials, calls for proposals and opinions, but that they also offer arguments complete, simple and detailed, so that journalists do not require studying each event as it may publish such which receive it, with the precise guidance given by its author. This informational scheme, which of course is They also tested public of high-ranking officials and party officials, lest they interfere with their discretion the official doctrine, envied and enviable given is something disciplinary success and its political revenue. For this reason, it has been copied with greater or lesser success by the provincial councils and large municipalities.
An example, banal, if you will, is the Jose Joaquin Ripoll in Alicante. It is a day that the journalist see Reig has been without work. To not miss the opportunity of having such an excellent professional, create you an ad hoc in his cabinet position and the tab the next day. These have been common practices of some and others at the time of fat cows. Are they going to change as acendrados habits at this time of crisis? Hopefully. But the temptation to continue shaping public opinion is so great I’m afraid before will save other games than this gigantic communication device that is unmatched by any private company that I know of.