‘ Cross-platform KM/RM (insb. “Test environment management)’ and ‘practice reports and trends’ Leipzig, October 2011: on 28/29 November the 6th working meeting of the user group configuration and release management is in the Conference rooms of the media campus Villa IDA (2nd floor, poet route 28, 04155 Leipzig)” instead. The chosen main topics of the meeting are this time platform cross end KM/RM (insb. Test environment management) “and practice reports and trends”. Besides exciting practical reports, including from the company the Continentale, cable Germany broadband band services GmbH and Gothaer Systems GmbH remains much room for group discussions and answering individual questions again.
Target group addressed the event managers, senior, software project manager, team leader, process – and Methodenverantwortliche from the fields of configuration management and release management. Objective of this user group is a permanent, regular event. The goal, experiences in the To Exchange configuration and release management”and to identify best practices. Organization a working meeting consists of experience reports for fixed participants and external speakers, contributions from academia, panel discussions and workshops. A regular working meeting lasts two days and takes place twice a year. The inlet and outlet of participants to and from the user group is possible at any time. More information about the event: goto/angelic contact: Sven Seiffert Veranstaltungs – and partner Manager phone: 03 41 / 124 55 – 60 E-Mail: about the software forums Leipzig: Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, the software forums are Solarpraxis for software-intensive companies. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. In this case is targeted at professional and leadership level moderated the Exchange in the industry and promoted.