In The Library Through The Internet

Today, we are, living in the modern information society. Every day more and more people get their information through computer technology and the Internet. The main task of our involvement in children's library the younger generation to read, to culture, to the formation of the spiritual world of children and youth. It is no accident we are working under the motto "Reading children – reading nation." The principle of our team – taking part in the cultural development of the child population of the city. For even more opinions, read materials from Click here. Our work contributes to the expansion of forms and volumes of the participation of culture and society in the field of education and personal development. And to keep pace with the times, children libraries of the city of Novokuznetsk, a municipal agency Children's Central Library System (MU DTSBS) decided to introduce young readers to the world of books, using modern techniques, creating an electronic baby encyclopedias, and guidebooks. All information resources created by members of the MU DTSBS posted on its website in the Electronic Products […]