Anonymous Angels

Its catches a photo, it does not matter if it is old or current Some photos costumam for a few seconds to have people in the deep one that they are, at that moment, passing that same photo will be eternalized by this that you are looking at now. It stops It gives attention understands as the times pass for our lives, at important moments (many inesquecveis times), people whom never more perhaps let us see. You may find that KBS can contribute to your knowledge. We do not know if they suffer or if they feel pain, not at least we know its names! This sample that in these days where we live we do not have time nor to know those that surround our routine, those that for one seconds only can be our saving angels, them that they can saving in them of the evil and exempting them of the death only with a word. Everything this that was said before serves so that let us can understand that in our life they are gifts millions of […]

Corporative Educator

If this interaction does not occur of adjusted form, has a evolutivo picture that it goes of presentesmo to the anomie. This, because, instead of if concentrating in the attributions that them are proper, the individual psiquismo will be always alert to defend of the injunctions ' ' hostis' ' , more than what to find new forms of integration. From there for front, we have a spiral of defense and discord that the reception of the speech of the organization makes impracticable, for more creative the forms of if searching success in the taken over on a contract basis one. The nature human being and the condition human being always are of given hands, do not matter what they say the doutos? A practical example is the test of the ellipses. It only sees: it places three ellipses colored in sequence, but it leaves the last one of the lying line instead of being in foot. What you will go to notice first? It is clearly that it will come to its perception the difference and not it equality! […]