Getting Traffic On The Web
It's comparable to someone buying a car on the street or going to a car dealership, just believe and trust him more at the dealership. And there are other consequences "Techniques" that will annihilate your business from the beginning: Web traffic. Web Traffic is the number of visits you have a website. If you wish to sell, you must have a high Internet traffic. It's like a physical store, if one enters the store, it's hard to sell something. Web traffic is generated by the search engines (Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Lycos, Google and others) through ROBOTS, which are Programs designed by these search engines to get sites, catalog them and put them in their systems. Here comes the mortal blow: The most robots are programmed to "reject or do not label" type domains (which are FREE). In this way, but spend a fortune on advertising campaigns to generate traffic to your Web site, all is lost for being in a FREE DOMAIN. THE GOLDEN RULE No. 2: Never use a free domain for marketing on the Web because you do […]