SUN Actricity

Actricity sees no threats to open source systems as a result of the acquisition of SUN by Oracle, the Swiss company Actricity AG, software portals on Java and MySQL-based experienced manufacturer of business, fear no negative market developments through the acquisition of SUN by Oracle. Michel sees Henlin of Actricity mother Codex does not endanger the independence of royalty-free and open source technologies and the innovative power of the big developers lobby. The OpenSource community let impose anything and will provide alternatives if necessary, so Henlin in advance of the international open source and Java Developer Conference Jazoon’ in Zurich from 22 to 25 June of 2009 Eschbach at Freiburg, June 19, 2009 the Swiss business software maker Actricity uses years open source based components for its CRM and customer service portal, as well as for his new service provider-ERP. Since 2004, Eclipse is used as a development platform, especially MySQL as a database. Also with the application servers TomCat and Apache Web server, Actricity relies on royalty free products. Jasper products are used for reports, smaller open source components in other areas of. The acquisition of open source provider of SUN Microsystems by the database vendor Oracle will have no disadvantages such as higher cost or development problems result, explains Michel Henlin, Board of Directors of Actricity mother Codex AG: it would us but rather have been, if SUN would have been taken over by IBM because IBM sustainably promotes the idea of open source as a longtime protagonist.

However, we expect that the MySQL database from Oracle is offered free and maintained. Speaking candidly Rogers Holdings told us the story. She could serve, for example, as a free entry model for Oracle database products. But costs should be MySQL, is the OpenSource community port if necessary an alternative solution, as it was after the acquisition of the storage system InnoDB by Oracle was the case.