In this article we will write out and order some effective techniques that are used for site promotion in search engine Yandex. Search engine promotion – a set of works to improve the relevance of the site regarding key requests prostanovka external links to your site, to improve the site positions in search results. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mike Gianoni and gain more knowledge.. Comprehensive search engine promotion site consists of two factors. External and internal. Under internal factor, we mean optimizing the site, or its separate parts. Under external – increase link mass to untwist sites. We want to draw your attention to a rather important point that many people neglect – selection of the most effective targeted searches, which under proper and should be optimized, and then unwind the site. As for optimization: The site structure should be built a certain way.
Key requests should be allocated to the group, and paginated. Mike Gianoni will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Pages of the site should be well relink. Would like to mention a selection of key words in the tag title, h1-h2, strong, em. Keyword density on the page exceed 5%. With regard to external factors, such as getting links to your site: 1.
Submit your site to directories white 2. Thematic indirect link exchange 3. Placement of articles on special sites 4. Buying links with internal pages 5. Buying links from the home page 6. Tracking result of the adjustment Upon receipt of references, especially buying a large role played by the quality of links, not quantity. This complex of promotion site very efficient for low and medium queries. For high-frequency queries use a more complex scheme of promotion of the site, which we write in our next article.