The drum is the symbol of the psychological weapon that undoes all internally the resistance of the enemy; it is considered sacred, or headquarters of a sacred force; it thunders as the ray, is ungido, invoked, and receives offerings. Chevalier In all the cultures, the drum is something that express a species of logos whose essencialidade nothing more is of what our proper condition human being. To the sound of drums of a drum, nobody escapes of its mystery, it in the burrow so deeply that we can go of the ecstasy to catarse, passing, clearly, for regions of the unconscious one. It has cinquenta years, it appeared, in the literary world, a German book in which a drum, beyond part key in the plot, will be great the responsible one for certain turbulences in the real sphere, mainly of the critical one. It’s believed that Uber sees a great future in this idea. Gnter Grass, author of the romance, received attacks violent accusing with ' ' pornogrfico' ' , of ' ' blasfemo' ' things of the sort. The book ' ' The Tambor' ' it is part of a trilogy, intitled ' ' Trilogy of Danzig' '. Its gears aesthetic-structural they do not present new features that can classify of extraordinary.
The narrative if develops in a natural rhythm (proper of the taken off ones called ' ' picarescas' '), in first person, where Oskar Matzerath, central personage, if find in a lunatic asylum for assuming a crime that did not commit. In the truth, Grass carries through trips for German history, of 1899 up to 1954. Anna Bronski, grandmother of Oskar, in an end of afternoon of October of 1899, was seated in a potato plantation having eaten potatoes of hot leached ashes of a fogueira, when Joseph Koljaiczek, a man who ran away from the policy, appeared and if he threaded underneath of the four skirts that Anna always used.