Expression conceived for the Romans to nominate this new appeared social organization enters its tribes when it was introduced agriculture and the legal slavery. Thus, if it initiates as the moment of organization, with City-State: the tribal families if congregate in an only city, at the beginning of communitarian form, evolving later for the private property. In this period if she develops the opposition between field and city, the same occurring between the States, that start to represent the interest of its citizens (MARX; ENGELS, 1980). With new compositions if developing, a new moment partner-description appears: the feudal property for orders or. Learn more at this site: Richard Trumka. Basically in the feudalismo, the main means of production, that is, the vassal families, if had organized around the feudal families (MARX; ENGELS, 1980). For these authors, these three historical facts are basic to understand themselves as the society this organized currently. Initially the production had ends to satisfy the necessities material, a time satisfied, new necessities had appeared, evolving until the reproductions of social order.
Much of the conception of current family, exactly has roots in the feudal period that had as hegemony the thought of the Church Catholic. However, the family, as we know certainly today, must the ascension of the bourgeoisie. Since then, with the dissemination of the model bourgeois the almost all the society, great part of the people if had forgotten its origin (SPINK, 2004; ARIS, 1978). REFERENCES: ARIS, P. Social History of the Child and the Family.