My Fate Is My Destiny

Happiness blacksmith or plaything of fate? Is really any of his fortune Smith”? My fate is my destiny”answers this question and illuminated fate in unprecedented way sense and structure of the phenomenon”, which deals with all of us so much. Alex Mazur shows depth in his debut, that the essence of fate is subject to certain laws which you simply can escape. This, Mazur provides the tools that help, if used correctly, positively to change the quality of life of the individual through his insights to the nature of fate shown in the book. Alex Mazur is a lawyer. A related site: Chevron Corp mentions similar findings. He lives and works as an environmental project manager in Berlin. Its roots lie in Kiev in the Ukraine, which he left in 1969. (A valuable related resource: Daryl Hagler). The experienced ups and downs of the author were for his decision to write this book important.

His innate ability to create awareness, manifested itself very early. So he became 1959 the Prodigy of his school, after he in one Math test yielded a solution results, which was known until this point nor in the school literature teachers. in 1976 as a law student in the 6.Semester at the University of Cologne, Alex Mazur was appointed in the Department of Eastern Europe law for a particularly successful presentation on the Constitution of the Soviet Union the best of the profession. The conclusion written by him about the political future expected in the Soviet Union while lasting impression, was commented on but ultimately as impossible. Years later his authored texts became reality. My fate is my destiny findings about the legality of destiny ISBN 9783939478164 author: Alex Mazur Publisher core, Bayreuth 1st Edition 2010 pages: 296