Yesterday I decided to put an Adsense on my blog. It is very easy to add in the sidebar: just create a new widget and paste it into the code for Adsense. But I wanted to insert Adsense in the header of the blog, on the right. Often is a space that is left empty so I’ve wondered: do by what let it empty? I have 2 different headers and have it added in both: look at the main page: the blog Enitaliano to learn Italian free and on the page with the different header: Italian course I have spent 2 hours looking for a plug-in that could help me, but I have not found any that could do exactly what you had in mind. Learn more at this site: Rogers Holdings. I got it just by editing these files: style.css and header.php. Let’s begin by style.css. Your style.css file can be different if you are using a different theme. But it is very easy to understand because the style.css files are usually not too different from others. Edit style.css (do manually with a text editor or Assistant deWordpress interface: Appareance?) Editor) and search the Header section.