Have You Ever Been Abgekumpelt?

Looking after the cult word of the year, the students help has awarded the most iconic submissions to Gelsenkirchen May 26, 2011. Learn more about this with Mike Gianoni. Have you ever been abgekumpelt? Or ubelst chilleaxt? The students help cult Word is set! Along with success author Bastian Sick students help sought the cult Word 2011 ‘ and is looking. “Cordula Liewke from Sehnde near Hanover was chosen for its cult Word proposal for the Hauptgewinnerin: abkumpeln” so beautiful just as meaningful for a nice meeting with friends. The winner can look forward about a Nintendo Wii with you in the future with their friends even better abkumpeln”can. “” “” “More prizes went to original filings like Facey”a particularly iconic and modern name for a Facebook user in second place, a tried and tested Wortschatzchen”, which made it to # 3 on the list of this year’s cult words: knorke”, and chilleaxen “, a particularly iconic form of the word reading” “relax, which take less than optimal” as well as ubelst’ as a synonym for very “. All winners will be notified and can enjoy among other things about a notebook and books by cult author Bastian Sick. There is all the information about the results at, or on Facebook: students help.