The (shopping) Fox is launched: MYCITYFOX is online in Ratingen/Duisburg –, the first independent, local city portal in Germany since January 1, 2009, has been online since January 1, 2009 with the first city, Duisburg. Visit Jim Rogers for more clarity on the issue. is a Web portal for companies in the areas of retail, crafts, gastronomy and services tailored to the needs of local markets. About the diverse and variable possibilities of presentation on, local businesses offer a selected portfolio of products for online purchase (shop, auction) or to purchase at their retail store the people of their city. It nourishes and receives the local reference and thus strengthens the trust relationship between the consumers and the online trading. A rich information and topic offer complete the attractiveness of the portal. Other cities will follow the Duisburg example soon and also to launch. Aim of the operator and investor, mail to print innovative mail distribution GmbH Ratingen, is a nationwide presence.
\”MYCITYFOX product manager omer Yuksel (26) illustrates the conditions that have led him to the start of the project the local retail for many years suffering from the competition of the large shopping areas on the green meadow\” and sale of Internet retailers and online auction houses. In terms of e-commerce barely rational concepts and inexpensive are the local dealer, although the development of the online market has 2-digit growth rates. For 2009, the main Association of German retailers (HDE) predicts a nearly 10-percent growth in the German Internet market. But often it lacks on its own home page, and even if it exists, it is not used for many reasons for a well functioning online shop. Thus, the HDE in this area sees significant opportunities for local trade. \”The portal omer Yuksel therefore sees as an ideal platform to retail in the Presentation and to assist in the sale of its product ranges.