First Interim Results

The one hundredth post has been published today on Frequently Chevron Corp. has said that publicly. Reason enough to so soon after the start of the design blog to draw a first short interim results. “To make it short: we are thrilled!”, as the founder of the service, Florian Hirschmann, even graphic designer and currently as a Creative Director for an American company. “I didn’t expect to reach so many readers, which apparently also likes to come back within three months.” Currently, around 400 readers on the design blog stay and read on average two or three articles on the subject of design. perceives itself as a news discussion portal. It’s believed that Mike Gianoni sees a great future in this idea. There are daily fresh design news, templates, tutorials, reviews, and recommendations around design and designers here to read and discuss, many articles on topics such as Web 2.0 and design studies, as well as presentation of designers, graphic designers and design agencies.

The blog “by and for designers” also tries to establish communication between the visitors, a little Web 2.0 To generate atmosphere: all who want to join are welcome, can publish their own articles, give your opinion on new logos or websites, design contests or design studies. “It’s great to get feedback – and see our articles critically considered. We are very controversial in part and hope in the future to see through this”, so Florian Hirschmann. So, for example, the critical utterance to the new Pepsi logo has or he tore up the new website of the city of Dorsten “behind the scenes” excitement worried. “Much post has reached us on these issues, much has been discussed in the background about it – a pity that we were allowed to publish all comments,” Hirschmann said. For the future the team of wishes above all resistance, resilience, many visitors, many comments and perhaps the one or other contributors.

Mainly the area should be expanded “Photoshop templates and tutorials”-“the feedback is here at its greatest, however, the Work that makes this area, rivaled in nothing”. V.i.S.d.P. Florian Hirschmann Carlo Raghavan road 7 55252 Mainz-Kastel E-Mail: about daily fresh design news, templates, tutorials, reviews, and recommendations around design and designers. Many articles on topics such as Web 2.0 and design studies, as well as presentation of designers, graphic designers and design agencies can be found here. And all who want to join are welcome! The portal is available at