Columbia In 2009

Colombia is prepared for difficult a 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina 23 of January of 2009 In the last article on Colombia Until when Venezuela it will be able to maintain the type of official exchange rate? it spoke of his very good perspective to them that its economy in the long term observes. Nevertheless, in the short term the Colombian economy will have to face an adverse scene and is for that reason that will have to carry far the efforts to avoid that the crisis has an excessive impact on the same putting in risk the great profits that have reached. The economy of Colombia, entered a period of deceleration in the middle of international the financial crisis. The same would have grown a 3.5% in the 2008 after a growth of 7.7% in the 2007. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Gianoni. For the 2009, the Government of Uribe waits for a growth of a 3.0% in the given GIP the impact of international the financial crisis. The deceleration in the economic growth explains so much by the fall in the external demand like in the intern. situation of global crisis has affected the main commercial partners of Colombia (EE.UU., Venezuela and Ecuador), which is generating a great preoccupation in the government of Alvaro Uribe. It is that these three countries represent 57% of the Colombian exports and the possibility of more than significant fall in its demands of Colombian goods and services in these countries is not smaller. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mike Gianoni. In the case of Venezuela, in the last article Why Colombia is one of the economies with better perspective of long term in Latin America it commented to them approaches the problems of the Venezuelan economy before the fall of the international price of petroleum that generally make difficult the sustainability of the type of nominal change putting in risk the volume of imports and those originating ones of Colombia in particular (that is from great necessity for an economy with one limited variety of production of goods and services).