BSC Report

There exists a number of factors that you need to keep in mind during the introduction of the balanced scorecard. Hear other arguments on the topic with CEO John Watson. The concept of the balanced scorecard consists in establishing the relationship between the strategic objectives and actions of the linear levels. The interaction between the executives and the linear employees is not possible without the provision of clear channels and modes of communications. In this case, the reports of BSC designer play an important role. BSC Designer supports a wide range of reports. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Restaurant Michael Schwartz. The reports are an excellent way to communicate information, to make a professional presentation and to analyze the details of the balanced scorecard.

“To create a report, you must open the project of the balanced scorecard and the suitable team reports menu” select. The reports are available in several formats: HTML reports are used for the objectives of the analysis and command work. The presentations use PowerPoint report and strategic card review; Excel report is used for the formation of “the living” copy of the balanced scorecard used; The HTML report when such report the user can choose a temporary scope and level of detail of the report. The complete report is the report under the title “Full”. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from website. HTML report can be published online automatically. To do this, the user must identify the parameters of access to the FTP server. HTML reports contain charts and schedules, you can hire them.

To do this, one must choose the point of Option of the report in the menu “Reports”. There, you can choose charts that are in the report and what kind to use. The overview of this report represents an HTML file that looks as a classic balanced scorecard that consists of 4 or more categories with the indicators of the upper levels. The number of top level categories may be no more than 8 in this report.