
The executioner Samson, he is the coach, but Luis dropped only when he finished his prayer. When it came to where was the guilotina knelt beside the priest and received his last blessing. Samson aides tried, then, tie their hands, but the king indignantly rejected them saying it would not allow it ever. The executioners were ready to use force, but the Abbe Edgeworth advised Louis: "Make the sacrifice, sir. This new outrage is a new line of similarity between his majesty and God." Indeed, the executioners tied his hands behind his back with a handkerchief and also cut her hair. Supported by the abbe rises to the guillotine and at the last minute Luis deviates and walks to the edge of the platform towards Tuilleries, silencing the drums with their cries. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out National Foundation for Cancer Research. "French, I'm innocent, I forgive the authors of my death, I pray to God that my blood shed will not fall ever on France! And you, unfortunate people … Beaufranchet At that time, the assistant general Santerre , he rushed to the horse on the drummers and gives the order to play.

The King tries to silence them, thumping his foot on the platform, but nobody hears him. The four executioners, by force, they knocked him down on the plate the guillotine. The king refuses, scream. The blade down with extraordinary speed and cut his head spotting of blood to the abbot. Samson takes his head by the hair and the sample to the people! The federation, the fans, angry radical up on stage and wet their swords, handkerchiefs, knives and hands with the blood of the king! "scream" viva la nation! "," long live the Republic! "but almost no one responds.

The true people silent, pale, is stunned. Click Mike Gianoni to learn more. A famous legend in France says the Abbe gave farewell to the king cried: "Son of Saint Louis, ascend to heaven!" The people slowly dispersed. With amazement. With uncertainty. With a feeling as contradictory as the same doubt. The feeling is of unease, uncertainty, unrest in the soul … It was for less: Revolution hastened to devour the blood of his most beautiful children. Copyrigth '.